Special Olympics Season Finale
Mt. Pleasant Special Olympics wrapped up this season with their annual awards banquet last night. As some of you may know, my boyfriend, Paul coaches on the team. I love to hear his stories about coaching and it's always a privilege when I get to attend games and events like this one. For many of the athletes, this team means EVERYTHING. It's humbling to see how the simplest of pleasures, like a Sprite, or a high-five from their coach, can make their day. I sat next to one of the parents last night, whose daughter has down syndrome. He shared with me the joy he has in the silly things his daughter, Grace, says. After speaking with him for only a few minutes, it would be clear for anyone to see that despite the challenges they face, they are truly grateful for each and every day.I live for beautiful moments like this where I stop and look at all the little things most people take for granted and become increasingly grateful for all that I am blessed to have. I know this is why Paul and the other coaches choose to dedicate so much of their time to this team. These families and the athletes are an inspiration on how to live life to the fullest.One of the coolest things the athletes got to do this past season was to play at the half-time show of a CofC soccer game!Here's a few fun shots of the athletes in action:
High fives for a goal!
Katie's victory dance!
With the new year right around the corner, Special Olympics South Carolina (SOSC) will be holding their Annual Polar Bear Plunge January 1st, 2015 at Dunveavy's Pub on Isle of Palms. You can bet your goose-bumped butt that Paul and I will be out there making a splash in the freezing ocean waters! Join us for the fun to help raise money for Special Olympics!Click below to sign up: