Walking Through Fear and Insecurities
Making good contacts and experimenting with videography
Finding My Focus
Doing magazine photography
HEADSHOTS, LOCAL BUSINESS, PORTRAITSMelissaMileyPhotographyaneclecticcollection, bellydance, Charleston, charlestonphotographer, dancer, editorialprotraits, healthcoach, hiltonhead, magazine, magazinephotography, melissamileyphotography, pink, pinkmagazine, portraitphotographer, stsimon, women, womens50+group
Jim and Sally tie the knot on Folly Beach!
BRIDAL, WEDDING, BEACH SESSIONSMelissaMileyPhotographyaneclecticcollection, beach, blue, Charleston, charleston photographer, Charleston SC, charleston wedding photographer, charlestonsundancedj, charlestonsundancedjs-com, FollyBeach, funny, melissamileyphotography, sallyandjim, sharktooth, starwars, surprise, tideashotel, tonycerko
Getting out of the box.
Jessica's Bridal Portraits
BRIDAL, WEDDING, DOWNTOWNMelissaMileyPhotographyaneclecticollection, bouquet, bridal, chalmersblvd, charleston photographer, charlestonweddingphotographer, davidsbridal, downtowncharleston, gown, jessica, melissamileyphotography, oaktrees, peralta, rainbowrow, spanishmoss, washingtonpark
Dig South Media Bash At The Cigar Factory
LOCAL BUSINESS, EVENTSMelissaMileyPhotographybrewpublik, cigarfactory, dignation, digsouth, digsouth2016, digsouthmediabash, dixonhughesgoodman, downtowncharleston, mediabash, melissamileyphotography, nick neptune, tristancatering, tristanevents, VIPpass
The Daimler Group- Mercedes Benz Award Ceremony at William Aiken House
LOCAL BUSINESS, EVENTSMelissaMileyPhotographybenz, charlestonphotographer, charlestonsc, daimler, daimlergroup, francismarionhotel, melissamileyphotography, mercedesbenz, patrickproperties, williamaikenhouse
Green and Lean 5K Race at Brittlebank Park
LOCAL BUSINESS, NON-PROFIT, EVENTSMelissaMileyPhotography5k, aneclecticcollection, brittlebank park, charleston photographer, citadel, cleancity clara, finishline, hampton park, KCB, Keep Charleston Beautiful, melissamileyphotography, nike, race, run, running
The Upside Down Project - Day 3
MelissaMileyPhotographyaneclecticcollection, challenge, empowerment, gardening, letters, melissamileyphotography, planting, self improvement, theupsidedownproject, thyme, write
The Upside Down Project (Follow up Part 1)
The Upside Down Project
MelissaMileyPhotographychallenge, change, charlestonphotographer, charlestonphotography, explore, Go, motivate, perspective, photography, The upsidedown project, transformation
Amanda and Doug at Cottage on the Creek
BRIDAL, WEDDINGMelissaMileyPhotographyAmanda and Doug, Charleston, charleston engagement photographer, charleston photographer, Charleston SC, charleston wedding photographer, charlestonphotographer, Cottage on the creek, Melissa Miley Photography, melissamileyphotography, shem creek, wedding, Wedding photography, Yellowknife
Briana and Anthony
Real Estate The 'Wright' Way.
The Power of Symbols
EDUCATIONAL, LIFESTYLEMelissaMileyPhotographyAn eclectic collection, Daily meditation, God, Mark Nepo, Meditation, Melissa Miley Photography, Memories, Morning reading, photography, The book of awakenings, The power of symbols, Vietnam
Mandy and Sean's Wedding at Magnolia Plantation
MelissaMileyPhotographyBridge, Carriage House, Charleston, Cruise Coordinating, Magnolia Plantation, Mandy and Sean, photography, SC, Sorenson-Parker, wedding
Lowcountry Pregnancy Center: Babies and Children!!!