Year ONE.
One year since officially buying my business license. At the end of 2015 I took the leap of faith off the cliff of security and into the open unknown of all the hopes and dreams that I had stashed away. When God pulls you to the edge of the cliff, you must not fear the jump. If you do fear it, that's ok, I did too...but jump anyways. For real.What a wild ride it's been. I can't believe it's only been one year because so much has happened! I owe a huge thank you for all the people who have walked along side of me through this journey. And to a higher power that knows me better than I know myself.Thanks to everyone who offered support and who built me up with encouragement through the first days of my insecurity and neurotic nail biting. It's freaky when you don't know if you'll be paying your bills at first. Thanks to those who put up with me despite my crankiness from being over worked and under rested. Starting a business from scratch is hard work. Thanks to those who had patience and understanding when I was too busy for play dates. Starting a business takes a lot of time + focus + attention.Thanks for celebrating each mini victory with me along the way this past year. Seriously, it kept me going. Thanks to all the friends who asked to be my clients, and for the clients who became my friends. Referrals make my heart warm and growing relationships make my heart sing!! Thanks to everyone who helped me be a better photographer, and a better person through honesty -even when I didn't want to hear it. Thanks to everyone who believed in my abilities even when I didn't believe in myself. Thanks for all the laughter + tears + fun times. Here's a few flash backs to the best photo-memories and behind the scenes shots from 2016. CHEERS TO 2017!! And to all the memories we still have yet to make!Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine....Back stage photographing "Slightly Stoopid" at Riverfront Park in North Charleston
In 2017 I get to photograph this beautiful lady's wedding!!
Back stage with "Breaking Benjamin" at the Rock Fest in Ladson, SC
Photographing a family session out on Edisto Island. Perks of the job: beach dayzz
Working with the crew of PINK MAGAZINE for a stylized vintage fashion shoot in Beaufort, SC!
Hanging with Andy Buckley AKA "David Wallace" from "The Office" at the BMW Charity Pro Am Golf Tournament in Charlotte, NC.
Another wedding on an amazing night- full moon AND a beautiful sunset at the same time!
In the pit front row at the Charleston Country Music Festival in Myrtle Beach, SC with 80,000 country music fans and only the best artists!
Children's session on Daniel Island